Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mum Never Ceases To Amaze Me!

Mum continus to amaze me day in and day out.

Only two weeks ago she was struggling with a bad cold and was confined to bed for four days.

When I would visit her and sit with her and feed her lunch and read to her she just looked so frail and thin it was all I could do to hold back the tears.

BUT now, three weeks later and she's back to being even more perky than before she got sick!

I was pushing mum in her wheelchair around the gardens and was commenting on the beautiful smell of the roses when.....mum in such a quiet little voice says "they smell beautiful"!

Well you could have knocked me down with a feather because I don't think I'd heard mum utter a word for months before that. I swear I was jumping up and down on the spot punching the air with my fists saying "yeah"!!

When I returned inside I couldn't wait to tell the staff and they were all so thrilled as well.

Oh that was a great day! I do hope I have some more great days like that with Mum.

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