Sunday, September 16, 2007

Alzhiemer's Disease

A very moving look at the famous people already taken by this Disease.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Brain gyms gain popularity

PM - Brain gyms gain popularity

Well we've all heard that keeping our bodies active and healthy is good for us BUT now a new kind of Gym is emerging.

Aparently the new wave of gym will be a workout for your mind.

Personally I'm just not sold on this theory of keeping your mind active keeps the dementia and alzheimer'd disease at bay.

My mother was a school teacher and once retired had at least six different hobbies on the go all at once. She was one very active person and that didn't stop her from developing Frontotemperal Dementia.

My Aunt is a similiar story being struck down with Alzheimer's Disease.

Maybe it comes down to the exact type of things one does to keep ones mind active?

We can but live in hope that one day much more will be known about this horrible disease.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Five million Americans have Alzheimers

Five million Americans have Alzheimers

Did you know one in eight Americans over 65 now have Alzheimer's Disease?

Frigtening facts aren't they?

Well scientists are hoping that within three years they will have developed new drugs to not only slow the process but to eliminate it. Bring it on!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Marvellous Video On Frontotemperal Dementia

This is so fabulous to watch and it's exactly the form of dementia my mum suffers from too.

A Wonderful Account From A Dementia Carer

I was lucky enough to watch this program and it was very moving and oh so informative.

If you click on the link you can read the transcript of one of the wonderful carers featured in the program.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Massage Can Help

Massage is wonderful for Dementia sufferers.

I may have mentioned before the my Mum has her hands and feet professionally massaged twice a week with aromatherapy massage oils and she just loves it.

It's a very relaxing time and she gets a huge benefit from it.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mum Never Ceases To Amaze Me!

Mum continus to amaze me day in and day out.

Only two weeks ago she was struggling with a bad cold and was confined to bed for four days.

When I would visit her and sit with her and feed her lunch and read to her she just looked so frail and thin it was all I could do to hold back the tears.

BUT now, three weeks later and she's back to being even more perky than before she got sick!

I was pushing mum in her wheelchair around the gardens and was commenting on the beautiful smell of the roses when.....mum in such a quiet little voice says "they smell beautiful"!

Well you could have knocked me down with a feather because I don't think I'd heard mum utter a word for months before that. I swear I was jumping up and down on the spot punching the air with my fists saying "yeah"!!

When I returned inside I couldn't wait to tell the staff and they were all so thrilled as well.

Oh that was a great day! I do hope I have some more great days like that with Mum.